Unable to add new users, username and userrole is greyed out

Hello all, I want to let the manager (user role) add other users, so I tried using the pages from administration module under app store, When I am signed in with an account with administrator user role then everything is working fine. If I am using account with any other use roles I unable to edit the User name field or select a user role.. I have cross checked the project and module security. I have also tried to use Mendix SSO from app store.. Still it has the same issue…
6 answers

Hi Syed, are the user role you are testing with allowed to created other users?

For instance, the default system user role is not alloed to create other users:


you can do that by the following  :

1-navigate the project security 

2- Click the user roles tab

3-select manager user role and then click edit 

4-on popup will appear

5- there is a section called user management select the roles the manger will manage 

6- then click okay an run the project 


HI Syed Muqtadir,

Can you Select the No User Check box for Administrator User Role in User Management and try to add the user




user roles are appearing now but cant select it 


and cannot edit the user name


Hi Syed Muqtadir

I still go with Ahmad Zatreh, But after that if you get it as non-selectable, then you would have missed to select (No user roles) in user management section of “Manager user role” . Pls recheck that. Hope this Helps.


Allow the User Role with which you are creating the Accounts to manage All User Roles:
