Mendix 8 - SSO/SAML - Deeplink + iFrame

Hi, Hi  We are trying to use a deeplink link with SSO/SAML with Mendix 8. We are using the latest modules for each. Currently the links we've tried (see below) all work correctly (no login needed) when we are copy/pasting the links in a new browser. But whenever we are using this link in an iFrame from a different application - we are getting a login page. After some debugging i see that in the deeplink module we lost the session.  In the java code "processRequest" the line "ISession session = this.getSessionFromRequest(request);" is empty when its loaded from within the iFrame. Does anyone know what could be the root cause of this? Tried the following URL’s: https://applicationname/SSO/login?f=true&cont=/link/OpenRequest/409xxx https://applicationname/SSO/?cont=link/OpenRequest/409xxx https://applicationname/SSO/login?cont=link/OpenRequest/409xxx  
2 answers


i think you can have a try to set header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’. thanks.


I used these three steps to quickly create a basic web app. I did not include database logic, because it is typically part of web design or application development. If you are going to learn how to write web applications by, you will need to take an in-depth course, such as "HTML Code Complete" by Adobe. In my opinion, this book covers everything you need to know about the major web technologies and provides in-depth examples to illustrate how to use each technology. You should also checkout mattel's book "Learn CSS Programming For Dummies," which has similar information with a much smaller scope.
