Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: interest-cohort.

I have a page that works in dev, quality, and acceptance tiers, but when in production, we get the error Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'interest-cohort'. when we look at the trace in the developer tools in Chrome and Edge. It is a simple show page from a navigation menu.  Behind the scenes it is doing a fetch for a data grid using XPath. RPS.CPC_FullOverview.grid1: fetching data using XPath '//RPS.CPC_Data[RPS.CPC_Data_Plant/RPS.Plant/Disabled=false()]' filter: {sort: Array(4), offset: 0, amount: 800, id: 'cc63505d-df2f-4989-9eea-3cb50d1d9a9b', attributes: undefined, …} Has anyone seen this before?  I cannot find anything specific to Mendix to indicate what is going on.  
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