UserRole with similar rights to Admin can not change Name and UserRole attribute from AccountPasswordData_Account association?

I have a Page where I can change the UserRole of a member (German: “Mitglied”) to become an official (German: “Amtsträger/Amtstraeger) of the club. As an Admin I can just click on the New or Edit button which brings me to the Page where I can register a new member or edit the details of a current member but when I try to do this as a UserRole which I named Official I just get an Error message when I click on the New or Edit button which reads: “An error occurred, please contact your system administrator.” and I can not even click into the Text Box to type in a Username and I can not even click the Input Reference Set Selector to choose a UserRole.  I am pretty sure it has something to do with the Security of the app. Maybe I am not giving my Official the same rights as the Admin. I tried giving my Official all the Admin rights in the App Security under the Tab User roles but this did not work (in the screenshots it is not the same anymore but like I said... I gave my Amtsträger all Admin rights and I still got the error message so I am guessing it might be somewhere else but I am not sure where exactly).       Here you can see a normal editable Text Box at the top and the two uneditable Text Boxes at the bottom with the top one being the Name attribute from AccountPasswordData_Account and the bottom one being UserRoles/UserRole/Name from the same association as the attribute before.
1 answers

You need to assign Amtsträger, Administrator role of System module.



Also, check if the user role is allowed to manage users of other user role
