
Can anyone explain what happens when the IsLocalUser flag is set to “No”? as when I set this to “No” locally I assumed the user would not have access to log in through the web browser but I was still able to login with this user? 
2 answers

Local user do have access to login using the browser. The difference is that local user is not allowed to consume published web services. Whereas a web service user is able to authenticate and use those services. Local user is limited to accessing the app in browser. 

I think you are confusing it with anonymous role users which are used to prevent unauthorized access to your app. 

Here is a documentation link that may help you


Try it out. Run one of your apps locally, create a new local user. Then in your db-tool (pgadmin or the hsql-db manager) set that flag to false and see what happens. You will probably no longer be able to log in.
