SAML configuration in Mendix 7.23.8

Hi All, we are facing issue post our configuration for SAML. As we hit the application URL with /SSO/ below error is returned and in log it is logged as :  org.opensaml.common.SAMLException: org.opensaml.xml.validation.ValidationException: Got StatusCode urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester should be urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success. Message: [Application registered corresponding to IssuerUri "" in AuthRequest does not have assertion consumer service URL "" specified in its metadata.]   Thanks in advance. 
1 answers

For the above issue, check below points 1. SP Metadata shared from Mx side needs to have the correct URL for the application. 2. At Azure configuration side all the corresponding URLs needs to be verified. if above 2 points are validated, it should go through.
