Entity access role- XPath constraint

Hi all,   I have implemented tenant separation in our app. I have an entity called ‘Company’ which associated one to one to ‘Tenant’ that associated with multiple Accounts . I want to allow read,write and delete only for Tenant members but to give other tenant members the permission to read Company meta data.   In the entity access settings I can see that there is no separation between read,write and delete. How can I seperate between them? I want to add the below condition to write and delete but not for read. Thanks in advanced
2 answers

Hi Almog,

you can set up multiple Access rules. One for allowing all user roles to read everything. And additionally some rules with xpath constraints to disallow write access. 

Simply use the dropdowns on the access rights tab to define the Read/Write permissions on attribute/association level!



Hi Almong,


What i understand is you have different tenant members either some of those would need read, write and delete and some others only read access, you could achieve this also using a new entity to create group and assign them to relevant group in Administration Account or also create new user roles readonly and others as Edit roles and change access rules accordingly in access rights tab.
