Issue while Trying to login as Administrator.

Hi Experts,  After Deploying the Project I’m trying to login as administrator and I’m facing an error like “ You don’t have enough permission to access this page. you may try to login as different user”  Even though the username and password is valid.   NOTE: Its working fine in local but after deployment I’m facing these issue .   Kindly suggest me an idea to solve this issue.    Thanks in advance!    
2 answers

Hello Meeradevi Loganathan,


Try check your steps in your setup application:  App security → Acess role → module roles and entity acess, you need check if all its  connect correct for specific role


If u have any doubt can check in “Become a Rapid Developer” (rapid level course) the module 9, they explains in detail the security acess for login it’s very good i think there u can resove your problem!!

NOTE: I’m not a expert yet, but can try to help you, hope this help!!  :)



     Bruno Makis.






This might depend on the entity which is on the page you are trying to access. Please check your access rules on this entity.


Regards, Thijs
