SAML allow only specific users

Hi everyone,   I am using the SAML20 model to authenticate users and redirect them to the application. Now I want to allow only specific users to enter, but I don’t know how to implement this.   I tried to assign the User Role to Guest again when the user isn’t allowed to enter. I did this in the CustomAfterSigninLogic, but nothing I put here is ever executed. Not even message boxes.   I hope someone has an idea how to implement such a functionality.   Regards, Nick
2 answers

Dan is correct. SAML is just the client side of your setup where the user-authentication is done by your IdP. For the CustomAfterSigninLogic to get triggered, in the SAML → IdP configuration, you need to set this tickmark to true:


That would be best configured on the side of your IdP.

Here’s an example with Azure AD. One of the steps involves restricting access to the application by AD group

