What is the OIDC java action SetSessionData supposed to do?

Hi,   I currently try to setup SSO via the OIDC module (v2.0.0). After I followed the OIDC SSO instructions, there were still some missing pieces such as the JWT validation and nonce check, but I managed to implement these. I’m now stuck at the “SetSessionData” java action. It’s one of the final steps in processing of the IdP callback. The java action is not implemented by default and misses unfortunately also documentation, what it is supposed to do? It gets as input parameter the username and returns a boolean (that is not evaluated by the webCallback microflow).   Can anyone explain to me what the SetSessionData java action shall do?   Thanks, Arne
1 answers

Ok, I have found a solution. In version OIDC SSO 2.1.1 the method is implemented.
