How to enable reference selector dropdown

I have created one popup it consist of one reference selector dropdown. it is showing default disabled how can enabled and where please help on this.
2 answers

This is mostly due to Security if you are really sure if the dropdown is Disabled(Read-Only)

If you mean that the contents are not showing on click then it must be because the Entity under this dropdown is not filled with data


According to your screen shot it doesn’t look like the selector is disabled, just that no data is populating. Without knowing how the selector is sourced it’s hard to say exactly what might be going on, but what I would do is, in the domain model right click on the association you are using in this selector and do a “find changes”. make sure that this association is getting set from the containing entity and also make sure you are creating the objects that you’re expecting to see in the dropdown at some point in the app. 
