demo_administrator password not working in Sandbox

Dear Mendix users, I published my app to the sandbox environment to discuss it with my product owners. I have also set up three different users in the App Security > Demo users settings to replicate my 'user role concept'   However, whenever I try to log in with the demo_administrator or any other user that has been created, the app says, user / password incorrect.    I understand that MxAdmin does not work in the sandbox environment but I was expecting the other users to be working.    For clarification: I enabled demo users in the settings and the security level is set to 'production', check security is set to 'yes'   What am I missing to log in?
3 answers

Maybe an issue with this specific version.

As a workaround you could create a user via the after startup action and login with that user. Not what you want in the end, but fixes your current issue and allows you to at least login in your sandbox environment for now.


What version are you using? As Erwin said maybe an issue on a certain version.


Tried it on 10.2 and working just fine.


For me, it worked deleting default demo users and creating new ones and publishing again. Regards
