Combobox not showing list options only for role user

I am trying to create simple apps, like vacation management system. where user add new vacation request, they need to assign the approver.if i login using role User, the list options of manager combobox is empty. I assume this issues because of security. But i cant solve the issues.  
4 answers

Hi Ibnu,


I understand your issue.


you can try this by using Microflow in selectable objects without applying entity access, you can retrieve the list of managers and can return it.


By applying entity access, you will be not able to retrieve that.


If you want to retrieve it with applying entity access or using xpath, then in user roles, and in user management tab, you have to select the user role you want to retrieve using that user role. for more details, see the attached image.


By this way you can retrieve the list of managers.

I hope you find the solution.




The reference from vacation request to approver is pointing to the entity account?

Which attribute of account (User) are you using?


Be aware that user and account entities have strickt security policies. Full name could be used.

Ensure that the UserRole has the module role "User" assigned in the Administration module.


Next to that, never use the account entity in your proces like you do. Always use an entity Person (or name it like you wish as employee, teammember, ...) with all required data of the person for the process, with an 1-1 association to Account. A person has an account. A person is not an account. 


hi Rene, thanks for quick reply.


yes, the association is pointing to entity Account and i am using fullname at the combobox options.

And i already add Administration.User for Employee [Role]. I put some images, based on my understanding.






i was following the course in academy. the assocation is pointing to account. i will try your suggestion.

but is this issues still solveable even we still pointing to model Account ?


Hi Ibnu,


check your access rules and Xpath in selectable objects, because all the process you done is fine.


And check whether the full name is filled for all users and make sure you have users to show.
