Preventing users from editing submitted forms

Hi everyone, We have an multi-page form application. The typical url format of each page is "{id}".    Issue 1: Since each page includes object ID, users can copy the url, open up a new tab, paste the url and access the same form content. We do not want that, because this allows the user to submit the form in one tab and keep editing the submitted form in the second tab. Issue 2: Users are duplicating tabs thinking that they have 2 different forms open. Since both tabs have the same {id}, they are actually filing the same application, but are unaware of it. When they finally submit it, they have a form that has mixed content in them.   Would love to hear suggestions on how we solve this issue. Keep in mind:  We do not want to limit them via Mendix "Multiple Sessions per User" option, because users typically fill different forms partially at home, work and in need of sessions to be active. Users typically access via computers and iPad browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.)  
2 answers

Use non persistent entity to bind the edited data and keep record of when you load the data. If its already loaded then show validation.


Same NPE can be used to verify if the loaded content is changed and allow user to decided which one they want to keep. 


Why do you have the page url set in the first place?

