Enforce the use of TLS 1.3 for webservice calls

Hi All,   We are running a Mendix application 9.24.3 in the cloud. The application has both incoming and outgoning webservice connection to a third party. That third party has announced they only support TLS 1.3 in the very near future. Does Mendix support TLS1.3 and if so, how can i make sure / enforce TLS1.3 is used?
2 answers

Hey Arne,


This is what I know for Mendix cloud servers, that they enable TLS in all network calls, currently they support version 1.2. You can raise support ticket and ask about the roadmap of releasing version 1.3.


Thanks & Regards,

Naman Khard


@naman khard, I have contacted support en the answer is that 1.3 is allready supported.



Dear Customer,  Thanks for contacting Mendix Support. If you see from our release notes, our Mendix Cloud has supported TLS 1.3 since February 2020:  https://docs.mendix.com/releasenotes/developer-portal/mendix-cloud/#tlsv13-support-for-mendix-cloud-all-regionshttps://docs.mendix.com/support/security-findings-faq/#81-weak-ciphers-supported-in-mendix-cloud We do support TLS 1.3. It's just that we also support TLS 1.2. If your client supports TLS 1.3, it will automatically use TLS 1.3. As not all clients support TLS 1.2, we also support TLS 1.2 for compatibility.


