Error: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id <id> (<entity>). Object hash is invalid!

Hi all,   Since moving from Mendix 10.6 to 10.9 users been encountering the following error: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id '<id>'  (<entity>). Object hash is invalid!   Here are some details about the error. Encountered since: moving from Mendix 10.6 to 10.9. Until this day users are still having this issue. Error frequency: This problem is encountered everyday, multiple times. Application wide problem: Yes, it's not an error that occurs on a specific page or in a specific module, but application wide. It happens both on the local host and in the cloud. Affected users: Anonymous and non-anonymous users. The problem is user specific though, meaning user 1 might have the error, while user 2 doesn't. Affected browsers: Chrome we know for sure, other browsers we don't know. How to reproduce: Unfortunately, it is unclear how to reproduce exactly. It seems to happen if you use the application, and then do not use it for a while, to come back to it later. It seems like it might have to do with the session. Solution: Not known. Temporary fix is to delete the cookies. The problem will arise at a random moment in the future again.   Problem After not using the app for an undisclosed time, our error screen will popup for the user showing that something went wrong. After closing the popup and pressing a button/going to another page, the error popup will show again (and a new log message is logged). Only after clearing the browser cookies the problem is temporary fixed.   Example error log: 2024-06-04T10:31:19.027171 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]   ERROR - Connector: An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'Anonymous_378ccd7b-b0a6-4bb9-b002-56cef8a47970' with session id '7262e649-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXcae1' and roles 'Anonymous']2024-06-04T10:31:19.027191 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]  com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id '5066549622469729' (Inschrijfformulier.Locatie). Object hash is invalid!2024-06-04T10:31:19.027204 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]      at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.HashUtilImpl$.verifyHash(HashUtilImpl.scala:58)   Our hunch We checked the changelog of Mendix 10.9 and it says Session and Login Token Improvements. We are afraid that this problem has to do with these improvements. We think the error is related to the cookies/session management, since deleting the cookies temporarily solves the problem. Since the problem occurs with different entities that are being loaded, and not necessarily the top-most entity, we cannot relate it to our own application logic. Also, we've never had this issue before and all of a sudden it started showing up on every page, which makes us think it is not specific to our app logic.   What we've done so far We've searched the community for answers, and found this error occurred with other users but without a clear solution. We've contacted Mendix, but Mendix somehow was unable to reproduce the error in our application. After a long back and forth without progress (since Mendix could not reproduce the error and we are unable to give a reliable way of reproducing the error), we've discussed the issue with our Mendix partner. After explaining the error to our partner, they were able to (unreliably) reproduce the error themselves within 10 minutes on our acceptance environment. Our Mendix partner is continuing to look into this.   Relevant community questions Q132473: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id '166351711236054100' (BTIC_Mobile.Language). Object hash is invalid! Q100896: Getting Error - Object hash is invalid! Q128896: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id ' 123 ' & Frozen Launch screen Q119391: What reason will cause the `roles` of a `User` being empty? Q124790: Hash is invalid , Connector error Q102301: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id %id%! etc.
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