How do I make a custom login page to appear before Mendixs default login page?

I've created a custom login page. Where is it possible to set this as the the first page that a user encounter? And not the default mendix login page.   version 10.9
2 answers

Check this tutorial online:


or check this learning path:

In module 3 there is a detailed explanation for implementing a Custom Login Page


Good luck


Hi Priya,


There are 2 options to accomplish this. You can set your custom page as the default login page after you set your security to production level. This will automatically enable the default.login page, which you can alter with HTML/CSS.


The other option is to allow anonymous users to your application. This will mean when a user enters your application they will start as an anonymous user. In the navigation profile you can then set your custom login page as their home page, and implement login logic on the save button of your custom login page.


Ryan Mocke wrote a nice article which explains this:


Hope this helps!
