OIDC Configuration Page Error

Hello,   I am trying to use OIDC to Okta for SSO...  When I try to save the OIDC configurations, I get an error that just says "An error occurred, please contact your system administrator".  I am able to able to load the configurations from Okta and use the Okta information such as client id, client secret and the callback URI.  It just won't save.  Any help, including getting a more informative error, is very appreciated.   Thank you, Young
5 answers

Hi Young, 

Can you share the detailed error, 

If you are facing an error in local, pls share the error details from your console 

If you are facing error in environments , check your logs and share it here


Hi Stella,


I'm getting the error in the environment.  No other details on the error other than "contact your administrator".  When I click on the log, all I get is "This is demo data because you are using a free app".  


Thank you,



Are you running the app locally (Mendix Studio Pro) or have you deployed it in a sandbox? 

Try it locally first, then you will have unrestricted access to the logs. Otherwise try the live logs. They should also work in the sandbox variant.


Hi Oliver - I'm able to run locally.  But no luck in the environment.


Got help from support!  I was saving the encryption value in the wrong place.  Needed to save it in the Encryptions module I downloaded from the Marketplace:

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10.36.33.png
