Upgrade CKEditor library

The latest version of the CKEditor is using javascript library ckeditor.js (version 4.10.0) that is apparently vulnerable to cross-site scriping. The vulnerability is according to this link fixed in version 4.11. CKEditor is not platform supported and there are fourteen contributors to this widget. I don't know which one should be asked and how to ask so therefore the question here.   Is it possible to upgrade the javascript library in the widget to version 4.11?
1 answers

I'd suggest to use Rich Text instead. This widget is based on TinyMCE. See the docs.


CKEditor4 is deprecated since jun 2023:



if you really need to use CKEditor, there's an option

The CKEditor 4 widget, based on the Open Source version of CKEditor 4 (4.22.1)

