Hello Jason,
Make a non persistent entity with all the fields. Create for each field a editable boolean. Use conditional visibility to show either the non editable field or the editable field. On the save button process the non persistent entity and transfer all the fields to their corresponding attributes in other entities.
Hi Jason ,
1. On a new edit page, place an input widget like a textbox. By default, when users open the page, the field should be editable.
2.In the domain model, configure access rules for the entity.
4. On the Save or Submit button, ensure that before committing the changes, you:
5. Mendix has a default greyout functionalities for non-editable fields , if you have to show the lock icon or anything try using CSS-Class to show lock icon or non-editable field .
Good Luck !!!
Thanks .
Based on your requirements, I think we can achieve this using conditional editability of a field in Mendix.
Key Features:
To implement this, you could create a custom validation rule that checks if the field's value is empty or not. If it's empty, the field would be editable; otherwise, it would be read-only. This approach might require some additional logic to handle the "reopened" scenario, which could involve creating a new entity or using a staging entity as mentioned earlier.