We had similar advise from a security firm, and sent a request to mendix for implementing the header. I don't think it is currently possible to add your own headers in mendix.
We have recently added the possibility to add customer headers in Cloud v4. See paragraph 4.2 of https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/deploy/environments-details.
Kind regards,
Tom de Groot
Product Manager Mendix Cloud
He Tom,
Long time no see ;). Question: when updating these headers with the Content-Security-Policy and restarting the application. The current value has been filled with my new Content-Security-Policy line. However when I check via inspector if my new custom Content-Security-Policy has been applied, I still see the old one.
The real question is: how long does it take after restart to update the headers to be applied with the set values in Sprintr?