How to support multiple companies within single application

Hi All I have the following question. We have a single application that must support multiple companies that handle there own data. The idea is that a user/account belongs to a single company and that that user can only see the data he or his collegues (all belonging to the same company) have entered. My gut feelings is that Mendix can support this (almost) out of the box whith some clever association and the right generalistions. But I am unable to find the information on the website. An other possible solution I can think about is using xpath expressions to limit the data access. Any pointers to relevant information is more then welcome.   Thanks in advance
3 answers

Hi Nico, 

You can separate the data by creating xpath constraints on entity level. You can find more information about this here


Hi Nico, 

You can create a multi-tenant app with one single Mendix instance. You need need to create a tenant (company) entity in your domain model, then associate other entities to your tenant and create xpath constraints.

You also need the license pool manager module from the appstore, to create license pools for each company separetely and handle users accordingly. Check

Hope this helps.


Hi Nico,

You can have a look at the multi tenant administration module in the Mendix AppStore. I think this will help you with your project.

You can find it here:

Please let me know if you have any questions.
