Security created for Mendix Application, login works when running locally, but fails when running in Cloud

I added security with user roles in my Mendix Application. First when I ran it locally I could login as administrator and all roles worked as they were supposed to. Then when I ran it to the cloud and tried to view the app in the cloud, all of the sudden the login didn't work anymore. The account name and matching password I created for the administrator just don't work. What can be the cause of this?
2 answers

I assume you use the free addition in combination with the appcloud module.

In that case MxAdmin isn't available, but you can login using your Mendix account.

In the app. via the menu item "Accounts" local accounts can be added/managed.
Or accounts using the Mendix account credentials can be added via launchpad:


The cloud uses another database then when you run the app locally. Try login in with MxAdmin account and you'll see that there are no users in the cloud. 
