How make an access restriction profile (so you can configure it in environments)?
Hi there, I was reading up on only allowing certain ip addresses to get access to certain rest services. I could find quite a bit of documentation about configuring these access restrictions: , , , etc. They all tell me how to configure one. However, before I can configure one I need to apparently make it in the modeler first: "Access restriction profiles are configured at the application level and they can be reused in all the environments (test, acceptance, production) of an app" I have a hard time finding out where to do this in the modeler though, therefore my question is: how do I make an access restriction profile in the modeler? Modeler Version 7.15.1
Desiree de Ridder
2 answers
Hello Desiree,
They are not in the modeler - they're configured in Sprintr per application and applied per environment under network settings:
Dragos Vrabie
As i understand correctly you do not make the profile in the modeler. You make it in the acces restriction tab in the environments section of sprinter. This profile you can use per environment in the details section of an environment in the section 'Path Based Access Restrictions'