requestcom.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Missing Oauth configuration, please contact the application administrator
this is the error I am seeing when I am using the Oauth2.0 provider provided by mendix...Erwin !! its now able to authenticate/ authorize the users from our custom IDP provider...but it gives an error while coming back to the oauthconfig page...I think!! am I missing anything here?? I have followed all the steps provided in the instructions? Problem accessing /callback/OauthModule. Reason: Exception occurred while processing requestcom.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Missing Oauth configuration, please contact the application administrator
darshan ranganatha
1 answers
You are missing the data in the configuration entity that the mentioned piece of code is trying to retrieve.
Make sure the page for the configuration is available from the naviagation and enter the needed information in the page to fix this.