What the error is telling you is that the response you got from your IdP should contain a succes or failure. Inspect the SAML response log and look if this part is in the XML:
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"/>
If this message is not there your IdP is not conforming to SAML 2.0 standards.
Hi Siddharth,
you can check the xml request and response in the application, this will give a bit more information. It looks like the response you are getting is not allowing the user to login.
Hi Roy, I already checked it. One weird thing is, when I try to enter login details , login page land to above error message. But if if I change the url to index3.html I get logged in into the user account.
Hi Ronald, yes it is missing. But module is configured, the way it should be.
If its working in accp but not test, it’s probably your IDP’s identifiers not set up correctly. It’s url specific.
For example, if you are using AAD