Forgot Password Module - Getting Error When Saving SMTP IN/OUT Settings

To start, I do NOT have security enabled as of yet.  While I am able to test an outgoing reset email, and it IS working with the settings that I have entered (I am using Office 365’s outgoing SMTP with the credentials), when it tries to save, it gives me the “An error occurred, please contact your system administrator.” message. I have installed all four dependencies, created both e-mail templates, and created the deeplink from the configuration page.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
1 answers

I wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting anyone’s time, so I went through the process of creating a blank app with just the Forgot Password module, and all of the related modules, making sure I following all configuration steps. And I would up with the exact same issue. I would attach an image of the error I get in the browser console (...executing an action of ForgotPassword.SMPTSettings.saveButton1.) 

Here is the error image:

And here is the project:



