Mendix version 6.7.1 is not connecting internet and giving internet connection error

Hi I am trying to install Mendix modeller 6.7.1 Its installed but when i open its asking to login   When i logged in its giving error saying no internet connection.   Even if i disable proxy its not working.   Could anyone give me suggestions?   i am trying to conenct from VDI “ An error occurred while signing in. Please check your Internet connection. Note: If you are behind a proxy server that requires user name and password authentication you can configure these settings in the Preferences dialog. ” Note: I installed Mendix 7.4.0 and its working perfectly even its conencted to internet, only some of the Mendix version is giving this strange error.  
2 answers

Are you propably behind a firewall which is blocking?


Hi Arjun,

Did you manage to solve this particular issue? I have the same error at the moment when I am trying to access the Mendix version 6.8.0. 

Best regards,

Cor Morees
