Unable to login to Mendix from Modeler

Getting message work offline or try again in Modeler. -- Getting error from log factory such as: 2020-04-02 22:14:16.2739 WARN Mendix.Modeler.Rest.RestClient Request https://login.mendix.com/.well-known/openid-configuration returned status code 0. 2020-04-02 22:14:16.2989 INFO Mendix.Modeler.UserManagement.SsoContextCreator CreateContext. StatusCode = 0. going offline. -- Can anyone please help to solve this?
1 answers

I have been getting this intermittently too.  I think its a combination of high network loads due to changed work patterns and (perhaps) some underlying issues with Mendix authentication.  I have also had to login/authenticate repeatedly on the forum and the cloud portal over the last few weeks.

Best approach, I think, work offline and try to login at a later time.
