TIA Portal Addon in a new Version - Mendix Forum

TIA Portal Addon in a new Version


 I've greatly updated my TIA Portal addon for VSCode (or also Simatic AX)



It's increased in size dramaticly, cause I've added ImageMagick, so WMF & EMF and RTF Images could be viewed and exported (wich are often used in TIA Projects). They are converted to SVG.


Now also nearly all Projects should load, cause I fixed the metadata reading of the TIA Projects, cause I now understod how the meta id worked, and so now the parsing should be fine on all projects (Versions < 13 are not so hardly tested, cause I've no TIA projects to test with)


New features:


- Some Parts of CFC Blocks should be parsed and displayed

- Some Parts of Pro Diag Blocks,

- SCL and AWL should mostly work now

- Alarms

- Users

- ....



- support of LAD, FDB, CEF (Cause Effect matrix), CFC, Graph, so all blocks should work

- Renderer of LAD&FDB (and also Graph) is planed.

- Maybe later also rendering of CEF & CFC Blocks


Online Access now also should work (if Firmware is >=2.9 and TIA >= 17


