Hi Matthias,
thank you for your question. Here there's a collection of examples for some useful initializations.
1. Easy use cases
Let´s start with some easy ones like elementary types, arrays, structured types and references.
1.1 Initialization of elementary types
// Initializing of elementary data types (some examples) with:
r0 : LREAL := 5.0; // a constant
r1 : LREAL := (5.0 + 2.0) * -1.0; // result of a calculation
w0 : WORD := WORD#16#ABCD; // hexadecimal value
w1 : WORD := WORD#65535; // a decimal value
w2 : WORD := WORD#16#AABB AND MASK; // with a result of a boolean AND operation, where MASK is a global constant
1.2 Initialization of arrays
// Initializing of arrays (some examples):
arr1 : ARRAY[1..3] OF INT := [1, 2, 4]; // set each element indivudually
arr2 : ARRAY[1..3] OF INT := [3(99)]; // set all elements to value 99
arr3 : ARRAY[1..3] OF INT := [2(99), 1(11)]; // set first two elemenst to 99, third element to 11
arr4 : ARRAY[0..2, 0..2] OF INT := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; // multi dimensional arrray
2. More complex initialization
2.1 Initialization of structured types
Having two structs `Limits` and `Parameter` while `Parameter` contains also a nested structure `Limits`
Limits : STRUCT
Min : LREAL;
Max : LREAL := 9999.9;
Parameter : STRUCT
Velocity : LREAL;
Limit : Limits;
Instantiate and initialize the structures `Limits` and `Parameter`
// Initialize a structured type
limit : Limits := (Min := 1.0, Max := 100.0);
// or an nested type
parameter : Parameter := ( Limit := ( Min := 1.0 ) ) ;
// Initialize a reference of type with a reference of an type INT
xRef : REF_TO INT := REF(i1);
i1 : INT;
2.2 Initializers
Have you ever heard about initializers in ST? No!
Initializers are a convenient feature to initialize variables of Function Blocks and Classes when they're are public accessible.
Initialize function blocks / classes
m1 : Motor := (Name := 'M1');
m2 : Motor := (Name := 'M2', Parameter := (Limit := (Max := 100.0)));
Use case
The concept of initializers and references allows you, to modularize your software, so that you can implement and instantiate `Motor` and `Conveyor` independent. and you can `aggregate` them very flexible. We call this `aggregation`
> Assigning references and interfaces as `Initializers` is just possible in the `VAR_GLOBAL` section or `VAR` section of a `PROGRAM`
// aggregate motor and conveyor via a reference
c1 : Conveyor := (Name := 'Conveyor1', Motor := REF(m1));
Some interesting use case of initializers you'll find on our SIMATIC AX GitHub community! Feel free to have a look and to contribute!
Hi Jürgen,
thank you for the extensive and quick answer! Great to see examples in the GitHub Community!