Customer question: Which targets are supported?

Which controller targets are supported with SIMATIC AX?
3 answers

Hi Matthias,

currently this depends on which workflow you are using;

1. TIAX workflow, here you download hardware from TIA Portal to the PLC and create the Software of your Machine in AX. For this workflow the following targets are supported:

  • SIMATIC S7 1500 (Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • SIMATIC ET200SP CPU(Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • SIMATIC Drive Controller (Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • SINUMERIK ONE with Firmware 6.23 or later is supported here as well.


For the IT-like PlC engineering workflow with just SIMATIC AX the supported hardware depends on the current status of the AX hardware engineering possibilities.

As this is expanded as I write this and will continue to add more and more targets in the future, we will share new targets being added.


In general all SIMATIC S7 1500 PLCs without Failsafe, R/H or Technology functions are supported with Firmware 3.0 or later. In addition the S7 1500V is supported, which allows you to run the PLC on an Industrial Edge device.





For clarification :



With Simatic AX there is a differentiation between software and hardware as well as compiling and loading. Each action has it's own tool, and therefore it's own list of supported targets. These lists may or may not vary. Always check back the official tool descriptions/ prerequisites cause AX is evolving very frequently enabling more and more components from our beloved siemens portfolio as time travels.


The upcoming statement describes the status-quo for 06/2024:



You can create and build (compile) code as "hardware independent" as possible.

With the Structured-Text-Compiler-tool (STC) you can simply compile software components files (st-code) for any S7-"1500" RT

  • "1500"

instead of specifying it for concrete types like 1516 PN/DP.

Thus allowing you to maintain more generalized libraries in ST.

In addition we have

  • LLVM

as a build target of the STC for enabling our unit-test framework.

While successfully building (compiling) hardware configuration files for controllers with the Hardware-Config-Compiler-tool (HWC) is more specific atm.

  • 1511-1 PN 6ES7 511-1AL03-0AB0 (Firmware 3.0 or later)
  • 1513-1 PN 6ES7 513-1AM03-0AB0 (Firmware 3.0 or later)
  • 1515-2 PN6ES7 515-2AN03-0AB0 (Firmware 3.0 or later)
  • 1516-3 PN/DP 6ES7 516-3AN01-0AB0 (Firmware 2.9)
  • 1516-3 PN/DP 6ES7 516-3AP03-0AB0(Firmware 3.0 or later)
  • 1517-3 PN/DP 6ES7 517-3AP00-0AB0 (Firmware 3.0 or later)
  • 1517V-1 PN 6ES7 587-1AP00-0AB0 (Firmware 3.1 or later)
  • 1518-4 PN/DP6ES7 518-4AP00-0AB0 (Firmware 2.9 or later)



Simatic AX has different tools for loading/deploying compilations.

Hardware-Loader-Tool (HWL): currently can load HWC-compilations to its appropriate configured targets (see above).

Software-Loader-Tool (SLD): can load STC compilations to any PLC loaded prior by the AX HWL tool plus, in case Hardware Configuration was loaded by TIAP instead, to the following targets as well.

  • S7 1500 STD/F/T (Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • S7 1500V (Firmware 3.1 or later)
  • ET200SP CPU (Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • Drive Controller (Firmware 2.9 or later)
  • SINUMERIK ONE (Firmware 6.23 or later) 

AX-Library-To-TIAP-Library-Importer-tool (AX2TIA + Importer) : Shares the same list as the SLD which works with TIAP HardwareConfiguration.


Coming up next : SW-controller support


Keep going & happy coding ...

๐Ÿฑโ€๐Ÿ’ป BEEP, BOOP, BEEP, BEEP, BOOP ๐Ÿฑโ€๐Ÿ


Hi Felix, thank you for the answer!
