Customer question: Can I also modify via GUI?

I have just familiarized myself with the trace functions and also looked at the mod and mon functions. I understand that you can only read values with mon (via a file or the terminal) and write values with mod (only via the terminal). Is it also possible to write values via the .mon file. I have not been able to do this yet. But if it works, it would still be a cool function. Do you know if this works and if so, how?   Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Sure! I here is a short guide on how to do it!


1. Create a launch.json file inside the folder .vscode (see on the left side). Make sure the ip, certificate, username and password is set appropriately to establish the connection to the PLC successfully.

Bild (1).jpeg

2. Create a *.mon file with some tag names inside and open it. Then click on the "debug" icon on the left navigation bar and click on the green play button to start the debugging. 

Bild (2).jpeg

3. As soon as you can see the current values inside the *.mon file, you may right-click on the tag and choose "Modify variable". A small input field at the top will pop up to enter the new value and commit it.

Bild (3).jpeg


Have a nice day!

Stay AXcited David
