Properly handle Dutch captions - Mendix Forum

Properly handle Dutch captions


Just allow all texts to be handled by the batch translate tool when adding Dutch.


Having Dutch as second language next to US English is always a bit of a pain because the modeler prefills groupbox, button and label captions with a default value, causing the batch translate tool to see that text as a translation. 

This does not happen with other languages: In French the caption will be the value of the default language, shown as <caption> in the modeler.

It gets even worse when adding Dutch as language in an existing project. Not only do I need to search for 'Actie', 'Group box', 'Tekst' and 'Kolom', but the new action button default gets in the way too. All buttons get a rather mangled version of the microflow/nanoflow name as default, so you need to find those as well. These also overwrite any English captions with replacement variables.

Could you please treat Dutch similar to French? That would save a lot of hassle and feedback items about 'Actie' buttons and 'Kolom' datagrid columns.


BTW I know that there has been a lot of discussion about this already. It is still a mess.


Edit: Action button confirmation texts get defaulted too. And as this project was started with an early Mx6 version I also had to find and replace 'Microflow' texts.

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