Replace document templates with something similar to the new page designer - Mendix Forum

Replace document templates with something similar to the new page designer


It is really hard to explain that I can build an entire application in just a few days and then spend another three days to produce a PDF that fits the styling guidelines! And the rather fashionable rounded corners aren't possible at all.

And customers expect the charts they saw on their homepage to appear in, for example, management info PDFs too, which is not possible at all at the moment.

4 answers

We use  for creating documents. Send via Rest your data to their cloud, choose the correct template you've build with MS-Word and you get a document as result. 



totaly agree with this one, its important that the features created on mendix are well developed with time and not forgotter as otherwise you are left with a lot of things that are 'ok' and nothing that is really good or market leading


I totally agree, and I even want to add whether it could be possible to change the document template styling also in the web modeler with mendix 7! 


I agree on this. Currently we avoid using the document templates when the styling requirements are fancy.
