A clear view of when branches are created and merged of a project - Mendix Forum

A clear view of when branches are created and merged of a project


We have a few projects with multiple branches, and of branches of branches. These branches are sometimes merged to one another to account for hot-fixes or the usual separate developments. It can be quite confusing sometimes to know whether one branch was created before or after the creation of another branch. Also, keeping track of where some sub-branches were made and merged can be tricky. It'd be great to have a visual way of seeing when the various branches are created, and at what point in time these are merged to other branches or the main line. This may then also be handy in discussion with clients..

2 answers

Merges are not visualised in TortoiseSVN (but the information is there). I find it helpful to use a descriptive comment when committing a merge. I use the following format:

Merge of revisions x -- y from branch "Branchname".


That can be done with SVN if you have it installed. Then go to your project directory right click select TortoiseSVN and then Revision graph.



