Make conditional visibility & dynamic classes available outside data containers. - Mendix Forum

Make conditional visibility & dynamic classes available outside data containers.


Mendix 8.2 introduced to ability to use constants in expressions. However we cannot use conditional visibility by expression outside a data container, with the dataview being the exception for some reason.

Making this available would allow us to make best use of this, f.e. useful in the cases as described: 



3 answers

same here - after years later.. why is this enforced to have a data container?


I ran into the same issue today!
Now I have to create an useless dataview around the object which I'd like to show/hide using a constant. Increadiby annoying, useless and creating another way to slow down the application.


Yes please. Ran into this issue just today and my colleague pointed out this idea. This would be useful in many scenarios!
