set an editability contition to n entity or copy / paste editability condition - Mendix Forum

set an editability contition to n entity or copy / paste editability condition


In a app it is commonly used that a New/Edit page is used for users that haven't update rights as well as  for users that have them.
Therefore you have to create an extra attribute to indicate whether all attributes may be updated and put that attribute in the condition for editability to all other items on the page.
Let's say we have 20 attributes on the page, it gets me nervous when I have to enter 20 times the same condition.
Could it be possible to enter a editability condition to an entity as a whole or create a copy / paste function to duplicate a condition to another attribute attribute ?

1 answers

I agree with your idea, it is needed! 

What you can use for now is the widget I created exactly for this, the EditableByCondition widget. Based on a boolean attribute or the boolean outcome of a microflow, you can set editability on the full Data View and all enclosed widgets.
