Reduce list of available navigation layouts in the NewPage wizard: allow users to include layout in dropdown - Mendix Forum

Reduce list of available navigation layouts in the NewPage wizard: allow users to include layout in dropdown


When I have a project with a large number of modules, I always end up with 20+ layouts in the list of available layouts.  This leads to confusion amongst the dev team as there are 6 versions called 'TopBar' and 'PopupLayout.'  Perhaps there could be a setting on the page layout properties for 'include in wizard' so that users can have control over the layouts in their project without including all the extra ones from app store modules.

  In the wizard, we could have the drop down list to include only those with the property set to 'true' and then a button for 'see more' could take users to view the rest of the layouts if desired.

2 answers

@chris, yes a similar approach to tackle the same problem. 


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