Autosave - Sutdio Pro - Mendix Forum

Autosave - Sutdio Pro


Would be great to either save on change of a document or periodically, would speed things up for me and also make it less painful to deal with crashes

5 answers

Maybe instead of a real save an autosave like Word does. Where it ghost saves your changes and restores the latest unsaved changes when Studio pro restarts after an unexpected close.


You are right, I misunderstood the topic. my idea would be to autosave upon run (F5), just like any other IDE is  doing, 


Do know you can simply press CTRL + Shift + S to Save All open documents. Just make it muscle memory to do this every so-so.

Alternatively, you can also frequently press CTRL + Shift + W to close all open documents (this will prompt “Want to Save this/all?”). Or right click the opened document and select ‘Close all but this’ to do as the button suggests. This also frees up some memory, but in general it's just easier to navigate between your opened items this way.

I agree an automatic save every 30 minutes would be nice, just in case.


+1 , would save 50% of clicks / run with very little effort, aka low hanging fruit


I aree with this idea
