We would like to be able to make references to documents in Studio Pro from outside. E.g. we would like to create a link that refers to a page or a microflow. When you hit the link, you get automatically redirected to the Studio Pro project – or start it if it is not open yet – and the document mentioned in the link is opened. That way you are faster and at the exact document that you want to go to. This could also work for Mendix Studio, no preference for either of them.
This idea comes from working with two tools: JIRA and our Model Quality Tool. Reference directly from a story and assign it to a person. It helps to make links to documents so people know where to continue. The second one, our Model Quality Tool, makes it easier to go to the document and update it so it is in line with the rules that we have.
Yes please! It would basically be the deeplink module but then for Studio Pro. It would make peer reviews and such so much easier.