Show domain model as a tree view in Project Explorer - Mendix Forum

Show domain model as a tree view in Project Explorer


The domain model is only visible as ERD diagram.
This is nice and fancy for small projects and domain models.

With larger projects with lots of entities and relationships, it can become pretty messy.
Check out for example the relationships on the Administration > Account entity.
This is hard to work with for a developer.

As an extra way of working with the domain model, I would propose to show the entities as sub-elements under the ‘Domain model’ in the project explorer.
These should be folded away on default, but can be expanded if needed.

Per entity you can also add subelements of the attributes and relationships which can be collapsed and expanded, based on the developers preferences.

1 answers

Great idea Peter, I am facing the same across multiple projects, by time the domain model becomes messy 
