Mendix Studio Pro light version - Mendix Forum

Mendix Studio Pro light version


Dear Mendix,

Since our upgrade to Mendix 8, we are experiencing severe performance issues/slowness in the use of the Studio Pro modeler. Especially when having multiple tabs open, it may take up to 4 of 5 seconds to open certain pages and microflows.

We also noted that the modeler is using about 1300 to 1400 MB of memory while in Mendix 7 this was most of the time below 1000 MB

Could a Studio Pro version (lite) be developed with less rich features and more focus on better performance?


Kind regards,

2 answers

Thanks for thinking with me Eline!

We are on 8.18.0. 8.18.8 is not yet available I see in the marketplace?
But 8.18.6 also seems to have quite some performance increase looking at the release notes! Will try to upgrade to that version soon then.

Excluded documents we do look at. But as we just have a very extensive model with many modules, pages and flows performance is not the best.


Which version of 8 are you on? It's still not amazing, but in the latest version (8.18.8) there is a bit of a performance increase. It also helps to limit the amount of excluded documents in your project where possible. 

(It would still be nice to have your proposal, but these things might help alleviate things a little in the meantime)
