Revert CTRL+F hotkey (Find) behavior inside JavaScript actions as it was in Mendix 8 versions - Mendix Forum

Revert CTRL+F hotkey (Find) behavior inside JavaScript actions as it was in Mendix 8 versions


In Mendix 9.3.0, I created a JavaScript action. Inside the code editor in Studio Pro, pressing CTRL+F shortcut opened both the Mendix Find dialog box and normal text search box as we have in code editors. As both are open, but the focus is on the Mendix Find dialog box (picture at the end). When you start typing, it types in this dialog and results are displayed in the “Find Result” section at bottom. This is a cumbersome approach to search anything in your JavaScript code.

For me it was annoying to have the Mendix Find dialog box opened when editing JavaScript code. Inside code editor, one have to repeatedly search for text to look variables/class/methods etc. in the code. So normal text search box should appear like we have CTRL+F in the browser or any text/code editor

Then I performed same steps in my Mendix 8.17.0 project, pressing CTRL+F only opened the text search box. This is correct and expected behavior we all been use to

Screenshot for the Mendix Find dialog and text search in the code editor are below:

This Find dialog box is not required when searching through JavaScript code

Normal search like browsers or any text/code editor

I was unable to find any option in editor preferences to configure or turn off this behavior. If it is added intentionally as a feature, then I think it should be reverted or at least provide some option to configure this behavior

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