Run Mendix Studio Pro for Ubuntu, Linux-base developers - Mendix Forum

Run Mendix Studio Pro for Ubuntu, Linux-base developers


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I am using Ubuntu 20.1 This is tutorial for Mendix developer that use Ubuntu or Linux-base OS (Fedora, openSUSE, Debian,...)
This contain links to get resources and step to setup.

What are resources you need?

  1. Oracle Virtual Box for Linux
  2. Window 10 Image for Virtual Box
  3. Mendix Studio Pro installer

What is requirement?

20 GB minimum diskspace

Where do you get resources?

Oracle Virtual Box for Linux
​​​​​​​Link to download: 

Or with yum:

yum install VirtualBox-6.1

Or with apt:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-6.1


Window 10 Image for Virtual Box

Link to download:

Direct link (may be outdate):


Mendix Studio Pro:

Link to download:


How to setup?

Extract file, you will see (.ova) file

Launch Oracle Virtual Box, import this (.ova) file 

Change VM network setting from NAT to Bridge 

Install the Mendix Studio Pro inside VM

After install you can login, sync, and start Mendix Studio Pro in you VM as a standalone computer The IP will same your PC IP in local network 

3 answers

It just workaround for who don’t have Windows.


가상머신을 사용하는것과 Wine 같은 연계 프로그램을 사용해서 실행하는게 동일하지 않나요?

Linux 용 Mendix Studio Pro 가 나오지 않으면 모두 동일할것 같습니다.


ok, but you aren’t running mendx on linux,  you are running a virtual machine with windows!  the main question is,  is it possible to run mendix on linux?  like Wine or something like?
