Show Active Scheduled Event, Enums and Constants in App Explorer pane in Studio Pro - Mendix Forum

Show Active Scheduled Event, Enums and Constants in App Explorer pane in Studio Pro


Like with pages, snippets and microflows it would be really helpful if an active (e.g. opened) scheduled event, enum or constant would be visible in the App Explorer pane in Studio Pro.

When searching/opening using CTRL-G all I get is a pop-up, but I still have no idea where this item is stored in my project. I have to search and find the correct location.

Please help us out and show the ‘active’ document in de App Explorer pane!

2 answers

Vote from me too!

Especially because in (at least) Mx 7 when searching for an enumeration, it was opened as a popup AND the item was highlighted in the Project Explorer!

As Sjors mentioned, in recent Mx9  versions, you have to do an extra search from the search field in the App Explorer to find where the item is stored.


The button that synchronizes the treeview does not work in this case.
Maybe a solution would be to place this as well on de the popup dialogs.
