Possibillity to select attributes when auto populating Datagrid, Listview or Dataview - Mendix Forum

Possibillity to select attributes when auto populating Datagrid, Listview or Dataview


Hi All,

When adding a new datagrid or dataview to a page it would be helpful if the auto-population of search fields, columns, and fields could be configured. In the case of larger entitities there might be a lot of attributes that are not relevant and could be filtered out. Grids with 20 unreadable columns, search in all attributes in Listview is a hassle to undo.

I would imagine in the pop-up which says ‘Do you want to automatically fill the contents of ...’, there is a list of attributes of the selected entity which can be selected/unselected and then press OK. That way you keep the speed of auto-generating search fields, columns, and fields, and don't have to delete (a lot) of redundant _Screen _Helper or other attributes in the process.

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