Automatically update allowed-roles when moving things between modules - Mendix Forum

Automatically update allowed-roles when moving things between modules


Hi there.

Often, my colleagues and I will end up having to move a flow, a script, or something that has Allowed Roles between modules. Most of the time, the modules we move these things to end up having roles with the exact same name(s) as the ones that are allowed in the asset we move. However, Mendix doesn’t automatically set the Allowed Roles to the matching roles in the new module. It would be helpful if this were a feature with some sort of notification like, “Found matching Allowed Roles for <asset>. They have been set automatically.” after the asset is moved.


1 answers

Yes please, this is a real hassle right now and needless deselecting and selection of roles. This is also the case when deleting module roles, where an ‘update all security automatically’ would save us from the present clicking open all entities, microflows and project roles only to have a pop-up saying that the rights were updated.
