Avoid OneDrive conflict and Change default destination of projects in studio pro - Mendix Forum

Avoid OneDrive conflict and Change default destination of projects in studio pro


As a presales, i often see the first steps of my customers installing studio pro, and a majority of them face this issue.

A lot of customers have OneDrive synchronizing the “My Documents” folder by default, which is also the default destination of projects opened in Studio Pro.

Soon or later, Studio Pro will crash badly because OneDrive will corrupt a file in .svn folder, or in Deployment.


Obviously, the experience is really bad and the diagnostic really hard to make for a beginner.

Since it generally happens on the first day, even the trust can be affected.


I would suggest

 – Eventually change the default destination anywhere but not in my documents

 – Make an parameter in preferences,
   with the advice to avoid folders under the control of synchronization tools like OneDrive or other

 – Offer to change this parameter in installation procedure (with the advice)

 – keep the current behavior where changing the destination on download is retained for future download

 – Improve the error message by giving the advice to change the destination



1 answers

I agree.

I’m sure it used to be the case that when opening an online project for the first time, there was the option to change the local file location, but this is no longer available and everything goes to “My Documents”. At least reinstate this feature
