Make DataGrid2 able to do everything Datagrid can do.... or vice verse and remove DataGrid2 - Mendix Forum

Make DataGrid2 able to do everything Datagrid can do.... or vice verse and remove DataGrid2


Many moons ago, great news: DataGrid2 arrived, better filter-options, more modern look, dragging-and-dropping columns, personalisation options, ...and more. Naive young boy that I was, I expected it to replace DataGrid, maybe even ListView and Template grid. No longer would we need to choose between those three widget. DataGrid2 can do it all.

Alas, DataGrid2 is just another addition to the choices we have, even a new one arrived: Gallery. So now we can choose from 5 different widgets to present our data. Wow, this is not simplifying application-development. Less choices (preferably just one that can do it all) is easier.


Making DataGrid2 able to to everything that Datagrid can do now is:

- Export to Excel and csv

- Listentogrid

- refresh

- multi-select

- sort on multiple columns

- get used in a select-page

- get used in ‘Generate overview’-pages

- … and I probably forgot some functions


Therefor this idea:

Make DataGrid2 able to do everything Datagrid can do.... or vice verse and remove DataGrid2.

2 answers

The app I'm working on uses the Gallery widget with styling to create a beautiful presentation of multiple layers of data. But the client can't search/filter on 3 separate string-attributes due to the widget limitation. Our options now are to rebuild the search functionality and use OQL along with unique attributes for the filters or ask Mendix to improve the current functions. Our first option simply introduces more complexity for something that was previously possible with a Data Grid.The app I'm working on uses the Gallery widget with styling to create a beautiful presentation of multiple layers of data. But the client can't search/filter on 3 separate string-attributes due to the widget limitation. Our options now are to rebuild the search functionality and use OQL along with unique attributes for the filters or ask Mendix to improve the current functions. Our first option simply introduces more complexity for something that was previously possible with a Data Grid.


Both Data Grid 2 and Gallery don't support multiple widgets of the same type.


also Rewrite the dom so that:

  • Make it a HTML table so users can copy data into excel.
  • icons are icon fonts instead of SVGs so that clients can use their icon sets.
  • remove all inline styling, and !important in CSS, and any styling set with JS